« October 2024 »

Blog headlines

  • 14 Sep AVCC v Huddersfield YMCA
    22 May 2020

    The weather forecasters say that Autumn officially starts 01 September.

  • 8 Sep Urchfont v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    On a glorious sunny September day, we came to the end of our season against Wiltshire opponents

  • 1 Sep AVCC v Collingbourne
    22 May 2020

    With the sun still shining, and thoughts of winter still long away, AVCC entered the final stretch of the season at home against local rivals and friends, Collingbourne.

  • 20 Jun AVCC v Collingbourne
    22 May 2020

    Returning to our home ground of Garston Field, we were greeted with hard rain, chill winds, and a most un-summer-like evening to play cricket.

  • 11 Aug Wilton v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    A strong squad was assembled for this match which had a little edge to it stemming from a minor altercation from earlier in the season.

  • 25 Jul Bishops Canning v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    Not a huge amount to say as we lost fairly convincingly.

  • 16 Jun Shrewton v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    After a morning full of showers, rain and wind, our seniors graced the pitch in warm sunlight where our juniors had gleefully played in the morning (yes, Collingbourne and Avon Valley U-11s beat Steeple Langford at Shrewton in the morning).

  • 9 Jun AVCC v Wilcot
    22 May 2020

    The return match! The re-match of warring village titans and local rivals…with Wilcot visiting our home ground at Garston Fields.

  • 2 Jun Avebury v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    This last Sunday we entered June to typical British weather….cold winds, driving rain, grey skies…..

  • 30 May Collingbourne v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    We turned up with a scratch 11 hastily assembled and completed with 30 minutes notice at Collingbourne - in many ways our sister club as our youth are combined as a team

  • 26 May Chitterne v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    We made our annual pilgrimage to the good gentleman and good friends at Chitterne on a rainy, overcast Bank Holiday weekend

  • 15 May Wilcot v AVCC
    22 May 2020

    We turned up on a beautiful sunny evening on the well prepared track of Wilcot (thanks to their Peter Williams for doing so), to play a strong Wilcot team with several 1st teamers in the line up and the local vicar leading the batting and bowling.

  • 12 May AVCC v Marden
    12 May 2019

    Good win today against Marden to win back the Richard Cox Cup

  • 1 May FOSS v AVCC
    1 May 2019

    Our usual season curtain raiser…and played on the plateau of Amesbury, with the charms of the usual biting wind even though the evening was largely sunny and mild.



Friday, 22 May 2020

14 Sep AVCC v Huddersfield YMCA

The weather forecasters say that Autumn officially starts 01 September.

For those of us of more hearty disposition, we know it does not start until the end of the last cricket game of Summer. And so Autumn has started. Yesterday, we entertained old friends, recently made friends and part-time adversaries to our picturesque ground in Rushall for the end of season finale. The sun shone brightly like deepest summer, the suntan cream was applied in thick coatings and everyone was in sparkling spirits. The opposition might be called Huddersfield YMCA, but no they were really Terriers and determined cricketers with a blend of youth, maturity and lots of club and Yorkshire badges.The friendships that have given rise to this fixture go back over 20 years….right back to when Scammer was barely out of being a boy….with tales of daring-do and a lot more I cannot print here….. No idea who won the toss, but AVCC went into bat. We only had 10 players due to injury (Bruce has a rather poorly finger after the hot bowling of last week at Urchfont) and 3 of these were from old adversaries - RSJ Maharajahs - with Chris Lee (dad), George Lee (much bigger than when we first saw him), and Nicola Lee all playing for us. Fred Coupe (part of the old gang) turned up to umpire (more on that later). We felt we had a strong side as Chris is known for his steely long standing innings and we had our Zim Twins of Terror in harness - Michael Rae and Jeremy Richards (fresh from his century last week and speaking of a third in succession as we warmed up). Chris Lee and Michael Rae opened. Obviously, slowed by the tropical conditions and we started slowly with 3 an over run rate for the first 6 overs. Indeed, the crowd once remarked that Chris made our Tim (Geoff) Gent (Boycott) look very pacy……. Tight bowling and Michael was caught out by the deadly straight ball and we were 16-1 in the 5th over. That wasn’t in the script….a century was in the mind to keep up with Jeremy. No mind, Jeremy in next and looking sharp. His warm up and exercises at the crease however lasted longer than his innings and he was caught, off a hook shot, second ball for 1. 17-2, 5.1 overs. Our Twins of Terror gone. Oops. Jeremy’s season average of 212 was not a consolation at that point, although it is a tremendous record for our history book. Perhaps I should write a history of the Club one day……….. Peter Williams joined Chris at the crease and they were kept under extreme pressure by some canny slow bowling until Peter was bowled for 4. 30-3 off 10.4 overs was causing concern and we felt today we needed at least 5 an over to be competitive. Ian Dunstone, also guesting due to friendships of old with the Terriers, was quickly out, and then quickly back, scoring 1 before being caught. 35-4 off 11.1 overs, and concerns over the line up now being aired by Scammer in the pavilion. George Lee was now out in the middle; complete antithesis of dad….all dark hair, all running, all aggression…….and taking the fight to the Terriers. His dad was having to accelerate to keep up, and did a great job until falling having reached 15 priceless runs. 49-5…19 overs gone. Time for Scammer…striding out…..big blows, taking the fight to them, the well known scourge of the Terriers. Indeed, they put their field deep in all of this favourite spots right from the first ball (unsporting, but very professional; I like it :) ). Didn’t stop Simon from scoring fast and with George pushing the scoreboard on.They took the score onto 89 when disaster struck and Simon was caught out for a very handy 28 runs. 89-5. George went shortly afterwards, leaving us on 94-6 in the 24th over for a very creditable and very much needed 21. This left David Battison and Graham Newland in, and Nicola Lee who had just arrived padding up rapidly. We needed this pair to stay in and get runs. And in 5.4 overs they pushed the scoring along unbeaten until we closed at 125-7. David scored 16 not out, Graham 7 not out. This last 31 runs partnership helped us to reach a target we could aim at defending…although considered by many to be at least 25 runs short. However, the outfield was slow and not many 4’s being hit (only 9 in the innings) and so we felt we had a chance. Tea was excellent….lots of it…great sandwiches…lots of cake and fancies and was duly wolfed down by the hungry players and their multitude of supporting fans. Skye Newland - our honorary scorer for the day (and she did a great job) - was well chuffed to be given her own plate for tea for once rather than waiting to salvage chocolate remains…….I reckon she will come and score again as a result. We opened the bowling with Jeremy Richards (out for revenge) and Chris Lee. Michael Rae was our wicket keeper for the day, complete with a can of beer to keep hydrated. Jeremy came in at full pace and bowled a no ball high over the batsman’s head for the first ball. It felt like an Ashes moment for a minute (Steve Harmison?). Great determination and skills in bowling from Jeremy (fast and aggressive) and Chris (slower but always challenging the batsman) and the Terriers got away to a determined albeit difficult start, largely keeping up with the run rate. Jeremy’s first spell was 4 overs 0-11. Chris bowled 3 overs 0-11. Change of tactics…so we brought on Nicola Lee and David Battison. Both bowled very well. The Terriers run rate slowed to 3 an over so at 10 overs they were 31-0. A little behind the rate, although we had been 30-3 at that time…… Dave made the breakthrough, bowling their younger opener (O Reid) in the 11th over. Sigh of relief as the partnership was looking ominous. Nicola Lee then made another breakthrough by Jeremy Richards and we sensed an opening, 82 for 2 in the 22nd over. Could we do it….? It was breathtakingly close. Nicola did really well…6 overs, 1-26. David 13-2 off his first 4 overs; most excellent spin bowling, and no wides or no balls. Graham came on and bowled tidily and well. Should have had wickets, but had sympathetic old-mate umpire syndrome. In one over, Graham had Thomson lbw 3 times (2 of them exceptionally plum) but the umpire - Fred Coupe - loudly remarked that he could not give him out so early in his innings. I guess that’s what mates are for. But apparently Graham hasn’t yet lost it as Dave Battison complemented him on the evil stare he gave Fred, combined with a number of pearls of wisdom. Graham bowled 5 overs 0-18. But it was still 105-2 in the 24th over and they were looking in sight of a win, largely due to their running where they must have taken 15-20 runs off balls straight to fielders (something we never do in Wiltshire). Guess that’s why they are called Terriers in Huddersfield. Last burst of Jeremy Richards and he came in and, even more fired up, got Thomson (probably because Fred was at square leg) caught behind by Michael Rae off a fizzing, nasty, bouncing ball. Great wicket, great ball, great catch, first time combination and just what we needed. 111-3 in the 25th over. Much needed, and we could see a doubt creep into the away side. Swapping Jeremy with Michael to become wicket-keeper (another first), Michael Rae and Dave Battison were given the critical roles of trying to rein in the Terriers and bring us home a last victory of the season. No friendships now, just a desire for bragging rights. However, the opener, Chapman really hustled us and batted well to keep control of strike and the score at the end of the 28th over was 118-3. 8 required to win off 3 overs. Lots of tension; a motivational comment from Graham about remember Collingbourne (4 run outs to win in the last over), and keep going. And we did. David was sensational and bowled a wicket maiden for his last over the 29th. He finished with great figures of 18-2 off 6. Great first season, great bowling. Well done, Dave. 118-4. 8 required off the last over. Hope restored. But to top it, Michael Rae bowled Chapman first ball of the final over. You could feel the explosion of joy amongst the AVCC team and the sound of hopes dashed on the sidelines with that key wicket gone. Michael finished with 1-24 off 4 overs. The Terriers played out the last 5 balls as we ringed the boundary, leaving them singles until they finished on 121-5….and AVCC won by just 4 runs, down to the last ball again, against Huddersfield. This means, that we have won - for the first time in our short history - every weekend game we had played to conclusion this year. Most excellent, especially with the changing of the guard this year and so many personnel changed. A great tribute to all concerned. At the end, old friendships were renewed, the game discussed in glowing terms, and next year’s repeat already being prepared for. We talked and drank long into the night, finishing at The Ship in Upavon (good food) which had a bumper night keeping the good people of Yorkshire fed and "watered”. We like the guys. Good team, hard match, lots of laughs and friendship…even for those who have not known each other for decades. So it’s over…..another year….a very successful year. I’ll reflect on that another time. Last thoughts…the scorebook was very professionally done by Skye, who had researched all the scorebook symbols and so probably completed the score book most accurately for the first time in its history too. Pretty good for just 11. Greg and Tim did a great job with the wicket preparation..many thanks. It’s been in very good shape this year.